Friday, April 27, 2012

Where did time go????

           It is time to write all about my last AMAZING week in Lima, Peru. Tuesday we had our final in our literature class and afterwards we all sat and chilled for awhile before heading to our houses. That night I had to say good-bye to my host sister, Aida, because she left for America and won’t be back until after I return to Nebraska. It was really sad saying bye to her considering all we have been through the past four months. She and her friend, Cynthia, were the two that picked me up from the airport when I first arrived in Peru. Since then, I have had the pleasure of eating lunch with her everyday and spending countless hours with her and her family. Oh how I will miss her :)

Laura, Hugo and I at Hugo's house!
            After saying goodbye, I headed off to the infamous “delfines” (Laura and mines meeting spot) to meet up with Laura. Then, we all headed off to meet up with the others at Nicki’s house. That night we went to our friend, Hugo’s, house. I was in awe when I arrived and discovered his house has FIVE floors!!!! That’s right, 5. That night we ate, talked, and had our own little dance party. Hugo’s mom had sooooooooo much delicious food for us! We had these chicken ball things, chicken sandwiches, ham and cheese filled tortillas etc. It was so much fun to celebrate one last time in Peru!!!

Typical Peruvian food/drinks!
            Wednesday morning we went to a local high school as usual. We were pleasantly surprised to discover that the students we had been helping over the past couple of weeks threw us this really nice going away/thank you party. It was complete with TONS (and I mean TONS) of typical Peruvian food. The tables made a border and enclosed in this border were posters that students had made that explained some aspects of Peru’s culture. For example, there were many posters describing the different types of dances found in Peru and then the students who made the posters even tried to teach us some moves (unsuccessfully I might add). Wednesday continued to be an awesome day when we all headed over to Derek’s house that evening to enjoy yet another going away party that was thrown by his host family for us. Of course, we enjoyed tons of food and drinks and had fun talking and reminiscing about our times in Peru. Derek’s host parents said many kind words and after a couple hours it was time to say good-bye to wonderful people yet again.

All the UNK students in our new UPC jackets!!!

            The next day the administration and our professors from UPC put on a good-bye lunch for us. At the lunch we received diplomas and these really nice jackets! It was soooo crazy sitting there knowing it was almost over. I remember 4 short months ago during our orientation session when Fina had to talk to us in English because our Spanish was such a disaster. I remember her saying how she hoped that in four months we could have this same meeting, except in Spanish. Well, what do you know??? Four months later and it’s all Spanish!!!! After lunch all the students were sitting outside our classroom waiting to take our last final. Someone mentioned what a weird feeling it was looking back and thinking how scared we were four months ago waiting to meet our professor outside the classroom in the same exact spot. Before we knew it, all these depressing comments started being said and you could feel the sadness in the air.

Our plan: 2 years from now the three of us will be in the
exact same spot taking the exact same picture!!!!
            Thursday night was my favorite night I experienced in Lima. It all started with going out to eat with my host mom and my host sister. Afterwards, I met up with Emily, Derek, Laura, Nicki, and Hugo and we went to Miraflores to meet up with the other UNK students at a Mexican restaurant. Unfortunately, there were a couple mix-ups as to where the restaurant was and the 6 of us just decided it would be easiest to eat at a random place in Miraflores rather than climb in another taxi in hopes of finding the restaurant. After eating and walking for awhile, the other students from UNK came to say good-bye. It was around 11 at that point and mostly everyone was ready to call it a night. However, Derek said he would be game for staying a little longer and before we knew it, Laura, Nicki, Derek, Hugo and I were off walking around Miraflores. We ended up stopping at this random spot and literally stood there till after 3 in the morning reminiscing about everything. I can’t really describe the feeling that could be felt between the five of us, but I will never forget it. Looking back, I am soooo blessed to have been able to experience Peru with such AMAZING people. I remember before I left how badly I wanted my four best friends from UNK to come with me to Peru. However, now I am sooooo glad I went off by myself and branched out. I have had the opportunity to grow close to people I would have never been able to if it weren’t for Peru, and I am so grateful for that.

Te quiero, Mamita!

            My final day in Peru came around way to fast. The day was spent packing and saying good-byes. It was filled with many tears because no one really knows when the next time my family or friends and I will see each other again. As I sit in the airport, I honestly can’t believe it’s all over. Where in the world did time go????

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